Hearing Dates Scheduler

  • Category: Enterprise
  • Client: Louis Law Group, USA
  • Duration: March 2023 - June 2023 (3 Months)
  • Role: Freelance
  • Stack: .NET Core, Angular
  • Summary:

    Developed a Hearing Dates Scheduler system for Louis Law Group, a USA-based law firm, during a freelance engagement.
    This system facilitates the efficient scheduling of hearing dates for lawyers across different districts, optimizing utilization and enabling effective case management.
    Built using .NET Core and Angular technologies, the platform provides a centralized solution for managing hearing schedules, judge availability, and case statuses.

Project Details

As a freelance developer, I collaborated with Louis Law Group to design and implement the Hearing Dates Scheduler system, addressing their specific requirements and workflow challenges.

Key features and functionalities of the project include:

  • Hearing Date Scheduling: Developed a user-friendly interface for scheduling hearing dates for lawyers across various districts, taking into account the availability of judges and available time slots.
  • Calendar Integration: Integrated a calendar view to visualize lawyers' utilization and track case statuses, providing transparency and insight into upcoming hearings and workload distribution.
  • District and Judge Management: Implemented features for managing districts, judges, and their availability, enabling administrators to update and maintain accurate scheduling information.
  • Utilization Tracking: Designed tools to monitor and analyze lawyers' utilization rates, helping the firm optimize resource allocation and improve efficiency.
  • Customizable Reports: Created reporting functionalities to generate customizable reports on hearing schedules, case statuses, and utilization metrics, supporting data-driven decision-making and performance analysis.
  • Scalable and Responsive: Leveraged .NET Core and Angular technologies to build a scalable and responsive web application capable of handling the firm's growing needs and providing a seamless user experience across devices.

  • The Hearing Dates Scheduler project exemplifies my ability to deliver tailored solutions that address specific business challenges, streamline operations, and enhance productivity.
    By leveraging modern technologies and a collaborative approach, I successfully met the client's requirements and delivered a robust scheduling platform tailored to the needs of a law firm environment.