SABIC - Workplace Monitoring POC

  • Category: Enterprise
  • Client: SABIC, KSA
  • Duration: January 2024 - Present
  • Role: Software Architect, Technical Lead
  • Stack: .NET, IoT, Big Data, Kafka, Video Analytics
  • Summary:

    Developed a groundbreaking Workplace Monitoring Proof of Concept (POC) for SABIC, KSA, leveraging cutting-edge technologies including .NET, IoT, Big Data, Kafka, and Video Analytics.
    The project aims to revolutionize shop floor activity monitoring by employing advanced image recognition technology to enhance Environment, Health, Safety, and Security (EHSS) standards.
    By capturing and analyzing real-time video data, the POC facilitates proactive safety measures and generates valuable insights to optimize worker safety and operational efficiency.

Project Details

As the Software Architect and Technical Lead for the Workplace Monitoring POC at SABIC, I led the development and implementation of an innovative solution that addresses critical EHSS concerns while unlocking new opportunities for data-driven decision-making.

Key highlights of my contributions include:

  • Advanced Video Analytics: Implemented state-of-the-art video analytics methodologies to monitor shop floor activities in real-time, enabling proactive identification of safety hazards and compliance with EHSS regulations.
  • IoT Integration: Leveraged IoT devices to capture live video feeds from shop floor cameras, facilitating seamless data acquisition and transmission to the monitoring system for analysis.
  • Big Data Platform: Designed and deployed a scalable Big Data platform for storing and analyzing large volumes of video data, enabling the extraction of valuable insights and the development of future analytics use cases.
  • Kafka Integration: Utilized Kafka as a messaging system to ensure reliable and efficient data streaming between IoT devices, video analytics modules, and the Big Data platform, ensuring real-time processing and analysis.
  • Business Value Creation: Collaborated closely with stakeholders to identify key business use cases and requirements, aligning the POC objectives with strategic EHSS goals and creating tangible business value through improved safety standards and operational efficiencies.
  • Scalability and Performance: Engineered the solution to be scalable and performant, capable of handling the high volume and velocity of streaming video data while maintaining low latency and high reliability.

  • The SABIC Workplace Monitoring POC exemplifies my expertise in software architecture, technical leadership, and innovation, demonstrating a commitment to leveraging technology for the betterment of workplace safety and operational excellence.